Created by Matejko06
COMBATMatHax provides you with a wide range of advanced combat modules like Bed Aura, Anchor Aura, CEV Breaker, Crystal Aura and Kill Aura with many advanced settings.
RENDERMatHax features extremely customizable render modules that are powered by clean and efficient rendering systems, in turn giving precise and high quality overlays that make the client feel incredibly modern and smooth.
GUIMatHax comes with an extremely customizable GUI and HUD giving you a beautiful and functional interface to interact with as well as the powerful macros system which allows you to change almost anything about the client in the press of a key.
UTILITYMatHax comes with a large number of unique utility modules that make your life easier by allowing the client to do all boring things for you. It also comes pre-built with Baritone and Litematica intergration meaning it can be easily used as a standalone client.